Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (14081-14100 of 18188)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00IP69(not set)Pascaline HermanBelgium
00IM39(not set)Pascal JOURNOTFrance
00IC13(not set)Pascal MarinelliFrance
00OC77(not set)Pascal MielkeGermany
00LC17(not set)Pascal MirleauFrance
00JN51(not set)pascal odentFrance
00EX54(not set)Pascal OmnesFrance
00MG95(not set)Pascal PeriniFrance
00LW27(not set)Pascal PeyvergèsFrance
00OZ13(not set)Pascal SorgeGermany
00HE47(not set)Pascal SzacherskiFrance
00HS55(not set)pascal tschirhartFrance
00LJ07(not set)Pascal VandenhendeBelgium
00CH73(not set)pascal van hilleFrance
00MI81(not set)Pascal WautersFrance
00NO93(not set)Pascal ZauggSwitzerland
00FH34(not set)Pasniceanu ConstantinRomania
00MH57(not set)Pasqua GiusquiamoItaly
00CO31(not set)Pasquale CarlinoItaly
00PM15(not set)Pasquale ConcilioItaly