Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (14121-14140 of 18188)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00LQ41(not set)Patricia ambrosinoFrance
00HL31(not set)Patricia BabeauFrance
00HO95(not set)Patricia BartoccettiItaly
00KM61(not set)Patricia Bernárdez RodríguezSpain
00ER88(not set)Patricia Blázquez SánchezSpain
00CF63(not set)Patrícia CaeiroPortugal
00FN04(not set)Patricia CalabriaCzech Republic
00CC27(not set)Patrícia CaladoPortugal
00ES26(not set)Patricia Castaño GonzálezSpain
00LA65(not set)Patricia gasparFrance
00EQ96(not set)Patricia GonzálezSpain
00HU29(not set)Patricia GrotheGermany
00FI62(not set)Patricia Gutiérrez SalasSpain
00EJ10(not set)Patricia Jiménez GilSpain
00GG73(not set)Patricia LambersGermany
00LQ69(not set)Patricia Le PinFrance
00LR95(not set)Patricia RonceroSpain
00QW37(not set)Patricia StamponeItaly
00OX93(not set)Patricia SuleapRomania
00HK61(not set)Patricia VerdurmenBelgium