Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (14241-14260 of 18188)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00GR95(not set)Paulina SurniakPoland
00JP73(not set)Paulina ŚwiderskaPoland
00FL70(not set)Pauline BERTONFrance
00HI97(not set)Pauline BironBelgium
00DC11(not set)Pauline BuissonFrance
00LN03(not set)Pauline DucarmeBelgium
00LS77(not set)Pauline DumoulinFrance
00GG85(not set)Pauline GadeaFrance
00HC21(not set)Pauline GondonFrance
00HJ05(not set)Pauline HennequinFrance
00PP53(not set)Pauline JallonFrance
00IC63(not set)Pauline KennelFrance
00GJ69(not set)Pauline KleinhansNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00IZ47(not set)Pauline VallaFrance
00DM29(not set)Pauline v RuijvenNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00PN01(not set)Paul KardolSweden
00CG09(not set)Paul KleebinderGermany
00HV51(not set)Paul KuppermannGermany
00JR63(not set)Paul LaneyNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00IW87(not set)Paul LukhaubGermany