Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (14301-14320 of 18188)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00NT35(not set)Pedro Luis conde AraujoSpain
00DM39(not set)Pedro MartinsPortugal
00CK93(not set)Pedro NogueiraPortugal
00CX79(not set)pedro OlivaPortugal
00BY37(not set)Pedro OliveiraSpain
00CR05(not set)Pedro PintoPortugal
00DS53(not set)Pedro RoboredoPortugal
00EH12(not set)Pedro Rodríguez HorneroSpain
00FJ86(not set)Pedro R Rodríguez MateoSpain
00QL89(not set)pedro ubieta torresSpain
00IE95(not set)Peggy EisoldGermany
00LO11(not set)Peggy GüntherGermany
00QZ91(not set)Peggy LudewigGermany
00EK86(not set)Peggy MüllerGermany
00IR99(not set)Peggy NeubertGermany
00LA89(not set)Peggy TothGermany
00GP99(not set)Pelayo lavieja arnaizSpain
00FM04(not set)Pelayo Nieto IglesiasSpain
00QE57(not set)Pelle SinkeNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00FG52(not set)Pentru TomaRomania