Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (1581-1600 of 18167)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00MW01(not set)Anne Claude SchneiderFrance
00JF91(not set)Anne cousseauFrance
00IP03(not set)Anne De CannièreBelgium
00MO41(not set)Anne DechampsBelgium
00IK43(not set)Anne DeckersFrance
00IZ31(not set)Anne DegryseBelgium
00JS27(not set)Anne DEHÊTREFrance
00BS57(not set)Anne DelaunayFrance
00MS09(not set)Anne DeyaertBelgium
00JW35(not set)anne didierjeanFrance
00FV57(not set)Annedore SöchtingGermany
00FV73(not set)anne fiebigGermany
00LY71(not set)Anne GailliezBelgium
00LV35(not set)anne gaudriaultFrance
00MI61(not set)Anne GelosFrance
00HK35(not set)Anne GenetierFrance
00LH17(not set)anne GratienFrance
00KI71(not set)Annegret GörbertGermany
00GI19(not set)Annegret HottnerGermany
00NR09(not set)Annegret Scheller-HornikGermany