Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (1601-1620 of 18167)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00BZ75(not set)Annegret SchwarzeGermany
00MV83(not set)Anne GrieserGermany
00CR99(not set)Anne HartmanFinland
00GC15(not set)Anne HasseGermany
00DS11(not set)Anne HollanderNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00EO88(not set)Anne JarousseFrance
00QO05(not set)Anne-Käthi MühlethalerSwitzerland
00CU99(not set)Annekathrin Reinhardt-TewsGermany
00HY73(not set)Anne-Kathrin TaftSweden
00IY59(not set)Annekatrin KöhlerGermany
00KY35(not set)Annekatrin SchulzGermany
00EV98(not set)Anne KollischanGermany
00NO57(not set)Anne KrugGermany
00NT45(not set)Anne KruscheGermany
00HQ59(not set)Anne-Laure KELLERFrance
00JL75(not set)Anne-Laure PontallierFrance
00MW81(not set)Anne LauwersBelgium
00IG59(not set)Anneleen De BruynBelgium
00HM47(not set)Anneleen ElslanderBelgium
00MU07(not set)Anneleen LemmensBelgium