Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (1961-1980 of 18167)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00LU73(not set)Antonio OlivieroItaly
00DB39(not set)Antonio PanicoItaly
00CL53(not set)Antonio ParadisiItaly
00DL35(not set)Antonio ParraviciniItaly
00IJ89(not set)Antonio ParrellaNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00PF79(not set)Antonio Pascual AlfrancaSpain
00HN85(not set)antonio PereiraFrance
00DV01(not set)Antonio PerruoloItaly
00PX31(not set)Antonio PerujoSpain
00DE77(not set)António PinheiroPortugal
00RD25(not set)Antonio Pio CentonzeItaly
00DL55(not set)Antonio PuglieseItaly
00CM51(not set)Antonio PuglieseItaly
00KT39(not set)antonio rapaItaly
00LQ77(not set)Antonio RassuItaly
00PD19(not set)Antonio RimaItaly
00FS48(not set)Antonio Rios GuardiolaSpain
00ER68(not set)Antonio Rodríguez SantosSpain
00QQ63(not set)Antonio RossettiItaly
00PL53(not set)Antonio RossiItaly