Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (1901-1920 of 18167)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00OL27(not set)Antonietta PerrottaItaly
00IJ33(not set)Antonino CarusoItaly
00EZ74(not set)Antonino ciaramitaroItaly
00CM35(not set)Antonino De AngelisItaly
00HS53(not set)Antonino De MariaItaly
00LU43(not set)Antonino RaeleItaly
00CZ35(not set)Antonino Vadala'Italy
00FS72(not set)Antonino VenutoItaly
00HL51(not set)Antonin PerretFrance
00EQ02(not set)Antonio Abellan CaballeroSpain
00FM92(not set)ANTONIO AcocellaItaly
00PC63(not set)Antonio AloisioItaly
00DF55(not set)Antonio BalordiItaly
00FA42(not set)Antonio Barceló TamayoSpain
00PJ11(not set)Antonio BenedettoItaly
00PF73(not set)Antonio BertolucciItaly
00BY83(not set)Antonio BianciardiItaly
00PE35(not set)Antonio BifulcoItaly
00CF95(not set)Antonio CapanoItaly
00NY11(not set)Antonio Cárdenas MontesSpain