Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (3641-3660 of 18168)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00QG31(not set)Christine LucasGermany
00HV23(not set)Christine MauryBelgium
00KK13(not set)christine meslierFrance
00RC07(not set)Christine MüllerGermany
00HZ77(not set)Christine NiemannGermany
00CE01(not set)Christine ponterFrance
00PQ17(not set)Christine RixeGermany
00MB75(not set)Christine sauvageFrance
00QV03(not set)Christine SchluckerSwitzerland
00NX75(not set)Christine SchumannGermany
00LU85(not set)Christine Seaton KämpeSweden
00KU01(not set)Christine SmidtBelgium
00QR21(not set)Christine StaelensBelgium
00MM81(not set)Christine SteiningerAustria
00IF11(not set)Christine VillardFrance
00HS99(not set)Christine VolckaertFrance
00EM12(not set)Christine von WelckGermany
00CL13(not set)Christine VossGermany
00IR69(not set)Christine WielfaertBelgium
00RD11(not set)Christine WilkerlingGermany