Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (3661-3680 of 18168)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00NU95(not set)Christine WinterGermany
00GI75(not set)Christine WölflGermany
00DL43(not set)Christin GregerGermany
00JB27(not set)Christin HermannGermany
00NT91(not set)Christin ScholzGermany
00CX03(not set)Christin WalterFinland
00OH69(not set)Christin WenigerGermany
00JE13(not set)christl jorisBelgium
00LI67(not set)Christof KiesslingGermany
00LF13(not set)Christophe BlancFrance
00LN15(not set)Christophe BrunschwillerFrance
00HA75(not set)christophe burtonBelgium
00IM43(not set)Christophe DaguinFrance
00LL79(not set)Christophe D'HoogheBelgium
00HZ07(not set)Christophe DietrichFrance
00JY55(not set)Christophe dolmaireFrance
00KK61(not set)Christophe ForestierFrance
00MK89(not set)Christophe GuillotFrance
00MX91(not set)Christophe JacquetBelgium
00MR51(not set)Christophe JEANDELFrance