Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (3621-3640 of 18168)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00FL32(not set)Christine CremetFrance
00MX71(not set)Christine DerniameFrance
00MK51(not set)Christine Dr.ludwigGermany
00FT26(not set)Christine DufourFrance
00MZ75(not set)Christine EngenBelgium
00KC51(not set)Christine FischerGermany
00ID47(not set)Christine FritschGermany
00EO02(not set)Christine GeibelGermany
00BT43(not set)Christine GorteSwitzerland
00KT87(not set)Christine GranildDenmark
00NW81(not set)Christine GreimelAustria
00LP77(not set)Christine Henniger-StillGermany
00IN41(not set)Christine HeyneGermany
00MM49(not set)Christine HoffmannGermany
00KZ81(not set)Christine JannotFrance
00QL01(not set)Christine KasdorfGermany
00FR26(not set)Christine KellnerAustria
00KZ35(not set)Christine KioszeGermany
00IC85(not set)Christine KoppItaly
00GS05(not set)Christine KuringGermany