Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (4021-4040 of 18168)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00FY55(not set)Corina BeluRomania
00OU31(not set)Corina ChirileasaRomania
00PP13(not set)Corina DehnelGermany
00FD26(not set)Corina GalaiRomania
00JT81(not set)Corina SchmidtGermany
00KN81(not set)Corine MaurelFrance
00HD25(not set)Corine RagueneauFrance
00KJ73(not set)Corine StruisNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00IF53(not set)Corinna BachmannAustria
00MC09(not set)Corinna CeredaItaly
00HB17(not set)Corinna CorradiniItaly
00OJ79(not set)Corinna Felipe BataSwitzerland
00IY61(not set)Corinna JohnGermany
00NR69(not set)Corinna KuhrauGermany
00NX79(not set)Corinna MalchinGermany
00MT63(not set)Corinna MirtschinkGermany
00PN99(not set)Corinna PercontraItaly
00QP77(not set)Corinna RyterSwitzerland
00IY63(not set)Corinna ZedlerGermany
00KS73(not set)Corinne DelaporteFrance