Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (13161-13180 of 18188)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00BX63(not set)Miralda CalamoItaly
00JN11(not set)Miranda BalzanoItaly
00KO13(not set)miranda van der HeulNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00MD17(not set)Miranda VankerkBelgium
00DH55(not set)Miranda VroomanUnited States of America
00QU51(not set)Mira SemczukPoland
00FI02(not set)Mirco BolganItaly
00IB83(not set)Mirco LangfellnerGermany
00QO23(not set)Mirco nardiItaly
00HC27(not set)Mirco PeverelliItaly
00OM97(not set)Mirco SabaItaly
00QD13(not set)Mirco SchäferSwitzerland
00MG57(not set)Mireille CentlivreFrance
00DM41(not set)Mireille ChabaudFrance
00ME09(not set)mireille MialletFrance
00NU35(not set)Mireille SallesFrance
00BT19(not set)Mirela PetreRomania
00DL87(not set)Mirella AndrenelliItaly
00HM57(not set)Mirella BardiniItaly
00KM49(not set)mirella CaproniGermany