Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (13361-13380 of 18188)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00JH41(not set)Myriam GRELETFrance
00LW39(not set)Myriam landiBelgium
00IH59(not set)Myriam RolandBelgium
00KK27(not set)Myriam SouvignéFrance
00LN13(not set)Myriam TalaricoItaly
00KJ93(not set)Myrianne VandervekenBelgium
00FR10(not set)Naarah Martinez ParrenoSpain
00QW61(not set)nabil khammouriItaly
00FK80(not set)Nachbarschaftsgarten HetzendorfAustria
00PV07(not set)Nadia BazanSpain
00HH17(not set)nadia CannizzaroItaly
00NS83(not set)Nadia CaposcialliItaly
00QM63(not set)Nadia CappelliniItaly
00JA31(not set)Nadia De GraveBelgium
00QK35(not set)Nadia Della MateraItaly
00QC63(not set)Nadia DurastantiItaly
00PC21(not set)Nadia FelliniItaly
00MH29(not set)Nadia GubernatPoland
00OX15(not set)Nadia MarchiniItaly
00NS85(not set)Nadia NtaconayigizeGermany