Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (13321-13340 of 18188)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00EQ30(not set)morena visentiniItaly
00GB49(not set)Moreno CunialItaly
00IH49(not set)Morgand lemaitreBelgium
00HC23(not set)Morgane EstiévenartBelgium
00HL21(not set)Morgann SchneiderFrance
00DF19(not set)Moritz FrieschGermany
00KF19(not set)Moritz GeusenGermany
00FV33(not set)Moritz LellGermany
00NS13(not set)Moritz MarekGermany
00CU89(not set)moritz NiebelingGermany
00KD91(not set)Moritz QuernerGermany
00FC14(not set)Moritz SauterGermany
00MR03(not set)Morten DürrDenmark
00JK85(not set)moulin ValentinFrance
00MH71(not set)Mouloud MESSAOUDI MOULOUD - PermaCompost75France
00JI03(not set)MPaola AndreoniNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00KR15(not set)M. PirotaisFrance
00LJ65(not set)M Rosario Álvaro LázaroSpain
00IL91(not set)Ms BeanItaly
00NB55(not set)M. ScharfensteinGermany