Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (13341-13360 of 18188)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00KM75(not set)M. SommerGermany
00EJ24(not set)M Teresa Díaz de la FuenteSpain
00IA61(not set)Mteresa scuola primaria Dante AlighieriItaly
00EZ36(not set)Munteanu MarianRomania
00DC85(not set)Murariu DanelaRomania
00JN57(not set)Muriel BourdinFrance
00JY39(not set)muriel DeladrièreBelgium
00KZ47(not set)Muriel e Oliver MazzuccoItaly
00CE93(not set)Murielle LEKIENPortugal
00EN42(not set)Murielle SerletFrance
00GI61(not set)Murielle ThebaultFrance
00GB21(not set)Muriel WagnerGermany
00MZ15(not set)Muriel ZielonkaBelgium
00MK37(not set)MUSE Helen WiesingerItaly
00FC98(not set)Musteata ConstantinRomania
00KI85(not set)M Van ZoenNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00QT95(not set)M.W. LohrNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00BA41MMR015MSBMyanmar Seed BankMyanmar
00FO42(not set)Myriam Ameur LópezSpain
00MV91(not set)Myriam GabilleauFrance