Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (14341-14360 of 18188)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00DP53(not set)Pete IannettaUnited Kingdom
00QK81(not set)Peter BätzGermany
00EJ38(not set)Peter BirkasHungary
00HM87(not set)peter bladtBelgium
00EX80(not set)Peter BöhmGermany
00LJ91(not set)Peter BorstlapBelgium
00FM42(not set)Peter BuszlaiHungary
00QE19(not set)Peter DomannGermany
00HW43(not set)Peter FogartyRomania
00HW61(not set)Peter FogartyRomania
00KJ33(not set)Peter GröberGermany
00LP59(not set)Peter GunsBelgium
00JH15(not set)Peter HagenGermany
00OA87(not set)Peter HalzlAustria
00FP52(not set)Péter HarangozóHungary
00IC79(not set)Peter HaugkGermany
00LC47(not set)Peter HollenbachGermany
00KV47(not set)Peter HolsteGermany
00LP49(not set)Peter KarssemeijerNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00QG01(not set)Peter KlossnerSwitzerland