Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (14581-14600 of 18188)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00KV17(not set)Pietro FerrarioItaly
00CK47(not set)Pietro FiginiItaly
00JA23(not set)Pietro FormentiItaly
00DN25(not set)Pietro FuriatiItaly
00PT37(not set)Pietro MazzeiItaly
00CE03(not set)Pietro MelandriItaly
00CG69(not set)Pietro MengoniItaly
00LT47(not set)Pietro OstellariItaly
00NO75(not set)Pietro PatuzziSwitzerland
00PJ21(not set)Pietro peraleItaly
00PD81(not set)Pietro PezoneItaly
00IF85(not set)Pietro PiteràItaly
00CX17(not set)Pietro PozzoliItaly
00GM43(not set)Pietro SchenaItaly
00CN81(not set)Pietro TancrediItaly
00CS05(not set)pietro viganiItaly
00MW57(not set)Piet StoffelenBelgium
00CB67(not set)Piet VlaarNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00FY43(not set)Pilar Ariza CobosSpain