Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (14561-14580 of 18188)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00JW81(not set)Pieter BoonBelgium
00IV01(not set)pieter BruyndonckxBelgium
00HH19(not set)Pieter ChalmetBelgium
00QM97(not set)pieter de ridderBelgium
00MG31(not set)Pieter LescouhierBelgium
00NA39(not set)pieter materneBelgium
00EH20(not set)pieter van SoestSpain
00EL84(not set)Pieter VerhaegenBelgium
00CF01(not set)PIeter WielingaNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00GQ65(not set)Piet KorstanjeNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00LV41(not set)Pietro AcramiItaly
00PW77(not set)Pietro BarcellaItaly
00QW71(not set)Pietro Benedetto TalaricoItaly
00JM11(not set)Pietro BusiItaly
00DS95(not set)Pietro CagnaItaly
00II35(not set)Pietro CalanchiItaly
00PO99(not set)Pietro CattaneoItaly
00DH47(not set)Pietro ChiesaItaly
00CJ77(not set)Pietro CortesiItaly
00PL55(not set)Pietro domeninoItaly