Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (14621-14640 of 18188)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00IJ17(not set)Piotr MalinowskiPoland
00EK34(not set)Piotr OpiołaPoland
00GO51(not set)Piroska LakatosRomania
00EL14(not set)Pislaru Nicolae LaurențiuRomania
00FJ20(not set)Piukovics-Edina GállHungary
00BM21POL003IHARPlant Breeding and Acclimatization InstitutePoland
00GY99ALB026PGRCPlant Genetic Resource CenterAlbania
00BA45LKA036PGRCPlant Genetic Resources CentreSri Lanka
00BA39PAK001PGRPPlant Genetic Resources ProgramPakistan
00AZ35PNG025NARIPNG National Agricultural Research InstitutePapua New Guinea
00NT19(not set)Polina MonowskiGermany
00LE99(not set)Polly CambouFrance
00KQ79(not set)Pol Van DesselBelgium
00DT81(not set)Pompilio CenciottiItaly
00EW74(not set)Popa PatriciaRomania
00OV81(not set)Popescu ElenaRomania
00IE05(not set)Porzia PintoItaly
00FH48(not set)Preda CatalinRomania
00LR67(not set)Primaria Dante Alighieri CandianaItaly
00HP27(not set)Primaria VannuloItaly