Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (1741-1760 of 18167)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00LL23(not set)Annica ÖsterlundSweden
00NV93(not set)annick CoeneBelgium
00LR29(not set)Annick De KeyzerBelgium
00LP51(not set)annick GardeurFrance
00IB13(not set)Annick RaemanBelgium
00MV25(not set)Annick Van CauwenbergeBelgium
00IR65(not set)Annick VerhaerenBelgium
00HJ53(not set)Annie DuperrinFrance
00JN07(not set)Annie FuruSweden
00LP37(not set)Annie GuillouxFrance
00QU71(not set)annie heimFrance
00GH03(not set)Annie LøkkeDenmark
00JU67(not set)Annie PattersonFrance
00JC45(not set)Annie PattersonFrance
00MY25(not set)Annie Provost-ZukowskiFrance
00MJ21(not set)Annie SassierFrance
00GO01(not set)Annie WolfGermany
00GC87(not set)Annigje JacobsNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00KZ53(not set)Anni HildenbrandGermany
00QY71(not set)Annika AnderssonSweden