Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (1821-1840 of 18167)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00OD71(not set)Antje LantelmeGermany
00QY83(not set)Antje LessigGermany
00HY41(not set)Antje LobensteinGermany
00KL11(not set)Antje LufenGermany
00IE21(not set)Antje MägdefrauGermany
00NQ65(not set)Antje Meyer-CarsonSwitzerland
00PY11(not set)Antje MichelGermany
00II63(not set)Antje Müller-PalástiGermany
00OL05(not set)Antje NeumannGermany
00PX95(not set)Antje NoackGermany
00PU05(not set)Antje PetersenGermany
00KH07(not set)Antje RöcklGermany
00JO09(not set)Antje SchäferGermany
00LQ51(not set)Antje SchöneGermany
00ER46(not set)antje simonGermany
00LL35(not set)Antje SpitznerGermany
00LY05(not set)Antje WalzerGermany
00QZ49(not set)Antje WinklerGermany
00QZ25(not set)Antje ZscheileGermany
00OR59(not set)Antoine ArquiéSweden