Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (1801-1820 of 18168)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00PL71(not set)Anselm KleinGermany
00OO57(not set)Antanas ZokaitisLithuania
00CE97(not set)anthony chichrieFrance
00CS59(not set)Anthony Rodrigues e silvaFrance
00CQ45(not set)Anthony TemponeItaly
00MH89(not set)Anthony VandorpeBelgium
00HG49(not set)Anthony Van PouckeBelgium
00FJ26(not set)Anthony VorobieffFrance
00FU81(not set)Antia Lence ReijaSpain
00KF03(not set)Antje AugsteinGermany
00GG49(not set)Antje AulichGermany
00NU63(not set)Antje BiermannGermany
00OD93(not set)Antje BiniaschSwitzerland
00KW97(not set)Antje FreitagGermany
00IS55(not set)Antje GrabnerGermany
00LJ29(not set)Antje HannaGermany
00HZ93(not set)Antje HöserGermany
00PW75(not set)Antje KitzmannGermany
00IT73(not set)Antje KleindienstGermany
00GP09(not set)Antje KropfGermany