Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (13221-13240 of 18188)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00JY03(not set)Modesto PiasenteItaly
00FQ96(not set)Mohamed reda El oualiSpain
00QY77(not set)Moira CrivellaroItaly
00FH32(not set)Moira MarianiItaly
00IS79(not set)Moises Muniesa BlascoSpain
00FC56(not set)Moisés NavarroSpain
00QM73(not set)Mojca KorošecSlovenia
00JY41(not set)Mojca ŠvigeljSlovenia
00NA71(not set)Momo WeiglGermany
00MR05(not set)Mona HellbergSweden
00QX07(not set)Monia BottiItaly
00FQ22(not set)Mónia MartinsPortugal
00KX85(not set)Monica ATTOLINIItaly
00PP25(not set)Monica BaraccoItaly
00OM75(not set)monica barcheriniItaly
00CV69(not set)Monica BaroniItaly
00BV13(not set)Monica BosioItaly
00QK63(not set)Monica BosioItaly
00JU49(not set)monica caponeItaly
00LP55(not set)Monica CapraItaly