Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (13241-13260 of 18188)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00EH48(not set)Mónica Chinchilla SánchezSpain
00JO77(not set)Monica De BorstNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00IX83(not set)Mónica de la CruzSpain
00FI20(not set)Mónica del Val GarcíaSpain
00FN06(not set)Monica Di FalcoItaly
00PW59(not set)Monica Fausta PaoliniItaly
00CJ11(not set)Mónica FigueiredoPortugal
00OY01(not set)Monica FilippellaItaly
00OA17(not set)Monica FilippelliSwitzerland
00JW13(not set)Monica FilippiniItaly
00OX59(not set)Monica FoglianiItaly
00CC61(not set)Monica FornariItaly
00PT17(not set)Monica GandossiItaly
00JR27(not set)monica garciaSpain
00EM32(not set)Mónica Iglesias BediaSpain
00HT33(not set)Monica LindroosSweden
00MW83(not set)Monica malavasiItaly
00LQ79(not set)Monica MaranesiItaly
00CP69(not set)Monica MarianiItaly
00JP67(not set)Monica MeleItaly