Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (13201-13220 of 18188)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00PE85(not set)Mirko BitiItaly
00OP83(not set)mirko di GiacomoItaly
00EL48(not set)Mirko TassinariItaly
00NX37(not set)Mirko VocaturoItaly
00HH03(not set)Mirko ZavrlSlovenia
00EN24(not set)Miroslava FuskovaSlovakia
00GQ09(not set)Mirta DolinšekSlovenia
00NP59(not set)Mirte PostmaGermany
00EK76(not set)Mirzan OanaRomania
00HQ69(not set)Misa SundvallSweden
00LL99(not set)Mis Eklund ScherpSweden
00DL47(not set)Misia PrzeradzkaPoland
00PR53(not set)Mititelu SandaRomania
00GH73(not set)Mitja BenčinaSlovenia
00PK59(not set)Mitocaru MariaRomania
00QN97(not set)mizzi viciItaly
00FL94(not set)M. Jose de la Torre FernandezSpain
00NX45(not set)M José NortesSpain
00HO03(not set)MJ VerleunNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00GS79(not set)Moa LagerströmSweden