Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (1841-1860 of 18167)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00ER80(not set)Antoine BierjonFrance
00JP11(not set)Antoine BruyereFrance
00MC39(not set)Antoine CarofFrance
00IR57(not set)Antoine CorreardGermany
00MR49(not set)Antoine DucoulombierFrance
00JX13(not set)Antoine FRANÇOISFrance
00HB33(not set)Antoine GallienneFrance
00KY97(not set)Antoine GiovacchiniFrance
00JQ73(not set)Antoine goupilleFrance
00EN68(not set)Antoine GuernicFrance
00HG95(not set)Antoine HidreauFrance
00LT45(not set)Antoine JouanetonFrance
00HM39(not set)Antoine lievainFrance
00NW17(not set)Antoine MartinezFrance
00JT23(not set)Antoine OmontFrance
00ID27(not set)Antoine PouletFrance
00NT93(not set)Antoine renaudinFrance
00EQ10(not set)Antoine RoironFrance
00OC97(not set)Anton BöningGermany
00EI42(not set)Antonella ArditoItaly